3D Image Gallery

Visit the Museum & Historic Buildings in 3D!
There’s nothing quite like seeing the attractions at Lindsborg Old Mill & Swedish Heritage Museum in person, but 3D stereogram photographs can give you a taste of what it’s like in an immersive way!
Remember those “ViewMaster” 3D viewers to used to have as a kid that let you see photography from around the world with depth? This is the same concept, but using your modern smartphone.
Just bring up these images on your phone then use a Google Cardboard or similar 3D viewer, or use the “cross-eye” or “unfocusing” technique to get the two images to overlap each other and create an illusion of depth in the middle combined image.
Below you’ll find modern stereogram images of the Old Mill, exterior shots on museum grounds, and images from the “Dreams of America” exhibit (provided by Greg Perez of El Dorado, Kansas, and used with permission) as well as historical images of the 1904 World’s Fair Swedish Pavilion (from the Library of Congress by William Herman Rau, in the public domain).
Also check out our free immersive 360-degree virtual tour experiences!